Yesterday I witnessed the later stages of a calf being born. Having been raised on a cattle operation, I guess I took for granted all the signs of new life I grew up seeing in the spring time. Viewing cattle mothering their new-born babies is a remarkable thing. Drenched in amniotic fluid, the calves will stretch out their necks and shake their heads intensely, clapping their ears as they agitate and snort out the mucous from their mouths.
Many farmers and ranchers alike are in the thick of calving as April approaches. With late night checks, tagging, backwards calves, sick calves, and other calving problems, cattlemen of all kinds seem to be strengthened by the wonder of new birth. In the midst of the challenges of first-calf-heifers, and cantankerous cows, I trust that all those who are currently in the thick of calving will take the time to reflect upon the wonder of new birth. It truly is a miracle!
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