I am currently digesting from a great feast in southern California. Along with two other brothers from Younstown, AB, I had the great privilege of sitting under the ministry of John MacArthur, Al Mohler, Rick Holland, Phil Johnson, Tom Pennington, and Steven Lawson. The conference from my perspective was: equipping, encouraging, refreshing, and convicting. There was a spirit of excellence behind all that was done in the name of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ. The times of singing were a foretaste of heaven, and the times of learning served as a great preparation for further gospel ministry in Delia. A big thanks to all those who prayerfully supported me. It would seem more appropriate to reflect further on the conference after spending some much needed time in preparation for a new sermon series I will be preaching from the book of Romans. This is a book I approach with a certain level of fear and trepidation for its depth and detail concerning the gospel. May God help me as I sit under his Word.
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