
Pastor Rider is a blog that exists to spread the gospel far and wide beginning in East Central Alberta and going out to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8).

Monday, February 8, 2010

The Goodness of the Gospel

At the end of January my wife and I had the distinct pleasure of joining the Calvary Grace Conference in Calgary, Alberta entitled "The Goodness of the Gospel". We were deeply blessed by spirit-empowered preaching, reconnecting with old friends, and spending some time with my family. The sessions were filled with discoveries of the most excellent sort. It should be of no surprise however, since the subject at hand was both timely and timeless. I was reminded by the speakers that 'The Goodness of the Gospel' is affirmed throughout the entire Bible. It is the focal point of all redemptive history from Genesis to Revelation. Although I learned this principle while at Bible College, it was good for me to be reminded of this especially now that I am in pulpit ministry.
On a personal note, I can honestly say that the gospel is not only good news; but the best news I have ever heard. The verse that changed my entire perception of the gospel from a code of dos and don'ts to something to be treasured is Matthew 13:44. There I read, "The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field." As a 17 year old farmboy these words instilled in me the type of joy that compelled me to leap over corral fences in a single bound. The gospel was no longer drudgery; but delight.
Ever since that Holy Spirit awakening, I have treasured the gospel supremely because of the Person that embodied 'good news'. His name is Jesus. He has become the only grounds for my salvation, and the foundation of my joy. I can honestly say that the gospel has become good news to me, as I trust it also has for you.

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